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Organic Hemp Pappardelle


An exclusive product that derives directly from hemp seed flour, entirely grown in the lands of the Mediterranean Diet, along the pristine coasts of the protected area of Cilento National Park.

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Valori nutrizionali Valori per 100gr.
355 kcal
di cui saturi
0,9 g
0 g
di cui zuccheri
71 g
1.8 g
FIBRE 3,4 g
SALE 0 g

Anche l’ONU, finalmente, riconosce questa pianta come legale,
non dannosa e anzi terapeutica.


Pure nourishment!

An exclusive product that derives directly from hemp seed flour,
entirely grown in the lands of the Mediterranean Diet,
along the pristine coast of the protected area of Cilento National Park.

Nutritional valueTypical value per 100gr.
355 kcal
of which saturated
0,9 g
0 g
of which sugars
71 g
1.8 g

Deliciously healthy

Hemp, recently recognised by the UN, naturally provides you with relief for a number of conditions and with most of the protein your body needs!
Our body works for its balance and is continuously looking for the best nutrients.

carefully selects
hemp products, 100% organic.

Un superfood da mettere in tavola!

Vegana, leggera e proteica.

Per niente inferiore a carne, uova o soia, i semi della Canapa biologica sono una fonte eccellente di fibre alimentari, calcio, rame, ferro, manganese, magnesio, fosforo e zinco. Perfette per chi ha bisogno di cibi che influiscano poco sull’indice glicemico.

Esclusività e unicità, tutte in un solo pacco!

A wrong diet can cause stress

Yes, you read it right!
Feeling good is a result obtained starting from the diet.
The WHO, unfortunately, calls it the Evil of the Century. Is there any remedy? Of course! Eating well and calmly: Saint Louis University says that a quick lunch, or junk food based, is the first cause of stress and anxiety. Rather, a quiet, light and
balanced meal, rich in vitamins and proteins, gives physical and mental peace of mind.

Authentic South

Light, vegan, full of protein!

Produced by one of the best pasta factories in southern Italy, our All-Natural Hemp Pappardelle are truly the best to put on the table: Taste and Texture that,
together with organic hemp, nourish your Body and your Mind. Genuine, vegan… unrivalled.

Proteins and Body

Proteins play a dual role in our body: structural on the one hand and functional on the other.
These are not stable entities, but subject to continuous change, called turnover: they are continually replaced by new ones with similar molecules. The rate of this turnover decreases with age and is different in the cells of different tissues. The protein requirement increases during growth, in pregnancy,
during breastfeeding, following trauma, burns, bleeding, surgery and other psychophysical stress.

Proteins and surroundings

Hemp proteins, in addition to being the “complete proteins” that contain all the essential amino acids (constituents of proteins), also contain essential fatty acids, with an optimal ratio of omega 6 to omega 3 (3:1). In short, perfect for those who need to increase the amount of protein taken naturally.

Let’s face it, who doesn’t?

Hemp Pappardelle with Chickpeas

We tried them with chickpeas, a very easy recipe for a surprising taste!

‘Hemp’ does not mean ‘illegal’!

There are many, even nowadays, who make incorrect use of the word “cannabis”, believing that everything that has to do with that world is not legal.
The truth of the facts highlights the exact opposite: even the UN, finally, recognises this plant as legal, not harmful and indeed therapeutic.

Hemp-green Future

There is no plant more suitable to be
used and reused in all its parts: in addition to not producing waste, Hemp is an inexhaustible renewable resource.
<<It is a seed that sprouts from the earth and points at the sky screaming at all, in the silence Nature’s accomplice, that the future can finally be hemp-green>> says Mario Catania


Sano e Nutriente sono due termini che spesso non equivalgono a buono. Le pappardelle alla canapa, al contrario, sono esclusive proprio perchè, unite alle numerose proprietà benefiche, sono sul serio buone. Sane e Nutrienti, da leccarsi i baffi!

Assolutamente no!
La canapa negli alimenti non fa altro che apportare straordinari valori energetici, in particolare le cosiddette “proteine complete” che il tuo organismo tanto richiede.

Le proprietà dei semi di canapa e dei suoi derivati sono eccezionali per la crescita. Dietologi affermati ne consigliano l’inserimento nella dieta del bambino già nella fase di svezzamento, in quanto considerato un eccellente integratore.
Buona, Sana e Sicura!


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